Inclusive Pedals CIC is a social enterprise based in Chesterfield, Derbyshire.
Our four directors run a variety of projects helped by cycle instructors, ad hoc staff and a team of volunteers. We're all keen to expand the range of bikes and promote the use of bicycles as every day transport.
Amongst our group we have qualified bike mechanics, Cycling UK ride leaders, British Cycling coaches, experience of working with disabilities and National Standard Cycling Instructors.
Our volunteers assist with delivering our community based projects such as adapted cycling, Cycling Without Age and the Community Cycle Club.
Many of us are members of Cycle Chesterfield. Check their web site for local cycling information and other details.
Director Alastair Meikle was the winner of the national Modeshift award in 2017 'Individual Contribution to Sustainable Travel' and in 2019 delivered practical training workshops at the national Bikeability conference.
However you engage with us you will find us friendly and adaptable to your needs.
We are registered with the Information Commisioners Office
About Inclusive Pedals