07834 838076

01246 520820


Events coming up:

At Dr Bike we check, adjust and repair your bike free of charge.

(donations always welcome!)

Check our FAQS page for more details of what we can do

We have regular workshops:

1st Saturday of the month in the Queen's Park car park Chesterfield.

Nov-Feb 10.30am-12.30pm, Mar-Oct 9.30am-1.00pm

(find us off Boythorpe Road S40 2NF)

March to October on 1st Wednesday of the month at Langer Field pavilion

4.00pm until 6.00pm

We hope to resume the summer only workshops at the Hollingwood Hub in 2025.

Latest news check Facebook 'chesterfielddrbike'

We also take Dr Bike on the road to other locations, to find out where we are see the calendar below. If your organisation would like to book a workshop have a look at our info sheet here.

We provide bike maintenance classes too.

We no longer run a booking system at any of our Dr Bike workshops, just turn up.

Please note we do not bleed hydraulic brakes at Dr Bike nor do we have stocks of disc brake pads, however we can fit them if you bring them with you.